Monday, December 6, 2010

Check this Out!

The wife got a book the other day, totally unrelated to cooking, but it has a picture of a piece of carrot cake on the top so I've been wanting carrot cake for like a week. So I was off today and baked one up, Crazy right! Anyway, I hate baking, and I'm not a good baker, the cake was a little overcooked, and the icing looks Horrible! Here's a link the the recipe I used with a few small modifications.


  1. For the record, the book is about healthy eating. It has a picture of a carrot and then a picture of a carrot cake. Not sure why he didn't just crave the carrot??

  2. I love carrot cake!!!! It's my favorite cake! You're right - baking does suck. I had to make some cookies for work and it blew. All the measuring is horrible and just dirties up tons of dishes! Next time though, I would prefer to see a carrot made out of icing like they do at the grocery store.

  3. Jeff, its so nice to see that you had little children help you bake and decorate that cake. They did an excellent job for only being 6 years old. haha.
