Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homemade Red Wine Vinegar

Here it is ... my homemade red wine vinegar is done aging/fermenting. I read a couple articles/books on vinegar making a few months ago and wanted to give it a try. The hardest part is finding the bacteria you need (a.k.a. mother of vinegar) to turn the red wine into vinegar. I read that you could buy Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar from the store, which comes unfiltered - mother of vinegar and all - and use it instead of ordering the mother from an online store. I had my doubts, but turns out it worked!

Here is the process in a nutshell. (1) Combine mother of vinegar and equal amounts of red wine and water in a large vessel of some sort, (2) bound said vessel with cheesecloth, (3) place the vessel in a warm spot to age, (4) age for approximately 3 to 4 months. To finish, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or a coffee filter and bottle. To try, place on a spoon and ingest. Wait an hour. If you do not die, you have successfully made red wine vinegar! Congrats...


  1. Oh I forgot to say what the pics are. I placed my homemade vinegar next to store bought red wine vinegar for purposes of comparing. Mine is much more vibrant in color and tastes a heck of a lot better!

  2. Sweet! I'll be expecting a jar for my birfday in april. What's next? White wine? Apple Cider? Champagne? Balsamic?

    How much wine did u use to net what you have in that jar?

  3. I forget, it was three months ago! I probably should have written that down somewhere. I think it reduced to about 1/3 of the original quantity. Same process works for white wine, hard cider, etc. - really anything with alcohol in it. Now that I have the red wine mother though, I can reuse it, so I'll probably just stick with more red wine vinegar.

    1. I thought you were making crack or meth with thosse spoons full of liquid. That would have been inappropriate for the blog.

    2. I thought you were making crack or meth with thosse spoons full of liquid. That would have been inappropriate for the blog.
